Let’s go back together
And try to remember
The one Christmas that
Meant the most to you.
As for me, it was the tree
That would roll when
The wind blew.
Yes, this a true story.
I am a member
Of a very large family.
We were very poor, but
For the most part
We were happy.
Now, let’s go back
To the Christmas tree.
The truth is, it wasn’t
A tree at all.
We had no money to purchase
even a small tree.
So my mother went out
Into a field and found
A tumble weed.
It was a very large tumble
Weed, as I recall.
We had one string of
Blue Christmas lights
And a Christmas angel
To put on the top.
There were no presents
Under our tree.
But it was beautiful,
And meant more to me
Than any present.
How about your Christmas memory?