What a unique privilege it is for the churches on the Plateau to have this opportunity every week to give truth a voice in our community. In a world of endless debate and zettabytes of opinions throughout the Internet, it is important to remember that truth still exists.
I believe it is every person’s obligation and premier call to not only seek out the truth but also once found to boldly and conspicuously stand on truth’s side. The voice of truth cries out to all who will hear it and be changed.
On June 26, 2015, The Supreme Court of the United States voted by a margin of 5-4 to legalize same-sex marriage. This historic ruling mandates that all 50 states must allow and legally recognize marriage between two people of the same sex. I believe this decision is an assault on truth, which will be levied against all who will not bow a knee, but stand for the truth.
However, truth will always have a voice.
I am not for or against same-sex marriage – but I am unabashedly for the truth. And the truth is that marriage is between one man and one woman.
Marriage is a natural union that reflects the spiritual union between God and man, the two becoming one joined together in love. No law can usurp or overturn God’s laws.
I wrote an article in this same paper five years ago on the topic of same-sex marriage. You can find it in the April 19, 2010, edition if you’re interested.
My passion today is not to debate same-sex marriage. I’m writing because someone needs to hear someone speak up for the truth. I’m writing because we are living in a small segment of history where the truth is being called a lie and lies are being called the truth. We are living in a time when a Tim Tebow is slammed and ripped apart by the media yet a Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner is being celebrated and praised. We are living in a segment of history where the highest court in a “nation under God” makes laws and decrees that defy the will of God. And I believe we are entering a period of history where each of us will be faced with an imperative to decide with whom we stand.
Have you ever noticed that not everyone who argues cares a lick about the truth? Defense lawyers often defend criminals they know are guilty. The pursuit of truth gets lost in the pursuit of arguing, winning a case. I suppose all of us have found ourselves arguing to win sometimes instead of really seeking the truth in love.
If winning the argument on same-sex marriage causes the LGBT community to become disillusioned about Christ’s love for them – I refuse to win. No one can bear truth without love. It was Christ’s love for us that sent him to the cross. He suffered and became our sin, so we could be forgiven and be at peace with God. He rose from the grave so we could be born again as children of God.
Moses gave the law and the Ten Commandments, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. This is so profound! The law never convicted a person of God’s love, only their sin. But Jesus came proclaiming the love and truth of God. He is the truth and love of God.
It’s not the job of the church to convict the world of sin. It is the job of the church to convince the world of God’s unrelenting love and to stand victoriously in the truth.
It is a small matter to ask if someone supports same-sex marriage. The bigger question is “Do you stand for the truth?” Your stand will be challenged like never before. Anchor your beliefs in the word of God.
Take your stand on the rock. The best decision you could ever make is to make Jesus your Lord and his word the final authority in your life.
“…If you continue in my word you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free!” (John 8:31-32).
Heath Rainwater is lead pastor at Grace Point NW Church.