It can take until mid-October for a killing frost to destroy your beautiful baskets and container gardens.
This is the final installment in a series that features some of the landmarks that make Washington such a special…
Kimberly Wheelock’s first book, “Wonderland”, is available at The Dusty Shelf and Whistlin’ Jacks Outpost and Lodge
Maxine moved to Enumclaw in 1975, and she likes it here so much, she suspects it was God’s plan
The “Network Arch” was installed on Aug. 17
The trail will also take you to Lake Coeur d’Alene, if you’re willing to go another 24 miles
William V. Connell been around the block, living during the great depression and serving in WWII
Simple Goodness Sisters started out as a garlic farm before slinging its own simple syrups
Megan Miller received the prestigious STAR Award with its $2,500 grant.
Curiosity and love for the game led Lucas Sauve to start the Enumclaw Chess club
Paws 4 Rescue will be stationed in the business’ parking lot on July 29
Make sure you visit Thomasson Family Farm and Maris Farms for their sunflower festivals
Friday’s evening events are free to the public, but you need tickets for the actual games and performances on Saturday and Sunday