Election information
• The Feb. 3 special election is mail only. Ballots must be post marked Feb. 3 or can be dropped of at the express booth at Fred Meyer. 20901 state Route 410 East.
• If voters approve the move to a charter-code government, 15 freeholders or charter commissioners will spend up to six months writing a charter outlining the city’s government.
• The election for 14 of the 15 freeholders positions is included on the Feb. 3 ballot. If the charter-code form passes, the 15th commissioner will be appointed by the City Council or commissioners.
• Once it is written, the charter must be approved by the voters at a second election. Officials outlined in the charter would be voted on in the same election.
• If the charter is approved by voters at the second election, the current officials, elected under the code-city form, including the mayor and City Council, would be out of office. The officials now in officer could decide to run for the offices described in the charter.