Friday Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist will request that a judge find probable cause to order a 72-hour hold for Skylar Nikolas Bear Nemetz, 20, while the investigation into the death of his wife continues. He is scheduled to appear today at 1:30 p.m. in room 270 of the County-City Building.
On Oct. 16, Nemetz shot his wife, who was sitting at the computer, in the back of the head with an AR-15 rifle. The bullet apparently traveled through her head and into the computer screen. A neighbor heard the shot and called 911. When questioned, Nemetz provided detectives multiple accounts of how his wife was shot.
“October is domestic violence awareness month and this shooting appears to be an unfortunate example of why we need to keep working to end domestic violence,” said Prosecutor Mark Lindquist.
The investigation is ongoing and Prosecutor Lindquist expects to issue a charging decision early next week.