A dozen guns stolen from Tuttle’s Gun Store

It appears the suspect found a way to bend the store’s iron bards and crawl under.

About a dozen firearms were stolen from Tuttle’s Gun Store last Friday in what appears to be a unique break-in.

According to Ralph Tuttle, his alarm went off in the early morning of Friday morning; he arrived to a shattered front door and display case, but no easy sign of entry — until he took a closer look at the door.

In front of his door and windows, Tuttle has iron bars he thought would prevent people from getting through the front.

However, he pointed out the bottom of the bars where the door used to be; one was bent away from each other in a way that, it seems, allowed someone to crawl through into his store.

In addition to the small opening, there was glass everywhere, but Tuttle said he didn’t find any blood; in juxtaposition, when an Enumclaw police officer arrived on scene to get the remainder of the door open, they cut themselves on the glass, he said.

“I don’t see how they did it,” Tuttle said. “… How did [they] crawl across and crawl back underneath, dragging a bag of guns, and not get cut?

Once inside, the suspect then broke into a glass case — the large rock used to do so still sits in the gun store — and made off with about a dozen pistols.

“They were under a time constraint,” Tuttle said. “They know they have a certain amount of time.”

It took the better part of the weekend for Tuttle to inventory what was taken and what wasn’t.

According to Tuttle, the suspect’s mask was left at the scene.

This account is based on Tuttle’s observations, and an Enumclaw Police Report on the incident will be made public next week.
