
Five Years Ago

Five Years Ago

May 19, 2004

Just as he gets ready to graduate from White River High School, Blaine Larsen’s “In My High School” single, music video and debut album by the same name, are taking off. “It’s doing well for us, for our first single,” Larsen said in between classes at White River High.

It was Feb. 25, 1974, when nearly three dozen Plateau-area senior citizens sat down for lunch in the Calvary Presbyterian Church basement. It was the beginning of the Enumclaw Senior Activity Center, as an offshoot of Senior Services of Seattle/King County. That simple meal has led to three decades of meals, services and social activities for Enumclaw seniors.

Ten Years Ago

May 19, 1999

Saturday, residents of High Point Village and students from Kibler Elementary collected 105 teddy bears for the Enumclaw Police Department’s store of bears to give to upset children they meet in their work.

Enumclaw Finance Director Dick Scott is retiring July 29 after an impressive record in city government finance. He began his work here as finance director in 1992. He started government work for the city of Bellevue in 1970 as an accounting manager.

Twenty-five Years Ago

May 17, 1984

Enumclaw service organizations are sponsoring a no-host luncheon today at the Highclimber Restaurant to present preliminary plans for the use of the Burlington Northern property recently aquired by the city.

A bigger and better version of the annual Enumclaw Spring Dairy Show is slated for King County Fairgrounds this Saturday. The Spring Dairy show, which began in Enumclaw 30 years ago, has progressed from a small-town show to a statewide event that involves 4-H and FFA members from around the state.

On The Corner: Bill Ellison on the Iniative 464 trail… Doug Graham discussing the pros and cons of exacta betting… Helene Allen readying for shopping jaunt… And Ellen Horton catching her breath after the Mother’s Day rush at the nursery.

Fifty Years Ago

May 21, 1959

The annual Enumclaw Junior Dairy Show held at Recreation Park Saturday broke all previous records for entries and number of exhibitors, according to Martin Teeter, manager of the show. More than 200 exhibitors from 4-H clubs and Future Farmers of America chapters throughout King, Pierce, Kitsap and Thurston counties entered nearly 400 head of the finest dairy cattle produced in West-ern Washington.

Collins Motor Company, Enumclaw Ford dealers, this week announced the opening of a new car lot at the corner of Cole Street and Marshall Avenue. Formerly occupied by one of the oldest buildings on Cole Street, the lot has been completely cleared of the old structure and has been renovated and graded to accommodate the complete 1959 line of Ford cars and trucks.

Seventy-five Years Ago

August 17, 1934

With the original field of 35 individual competitors reduced to 14, Enumclaw’s first City Tennis Championship Tournament reaches its climax over the forthcoming weekend. Participants will be Ernie Dzurick, Harvey Pearson, Sonny Gattavara, George McGovern, Patricia Smith, Mary Wildes, Alma Johnson, Helen Masters, Dean Moran, Stan Johnson, Burnam Frederickson, Bob Abramson, Miles Livingston and Tommy Morris.

John and Wilbur Slott who have been visiting in Seattle for the past week returned to their homes this week.

Parker Larum, local songster, is enjoying unusual success in his latest singing venture at the Columbia Gardens in Portland.

Before a large gathering of local populace, the Enumclaw volunteer Fire Department gave a fire efficiency demonstration Tuesday evening. Outstanding among the evening’s entertainment was the appearance of some old-time members of the department who came in uniform. Among them were Paul Jensen, Lou Dibley, Lou Murkowski, Jim White and William Koenig.