Block Watch in a Box offered through Sumner Police Department

An informational meeting about holding a block watch and keeping neighborhoods safe is scheduled for July 27 at Sumner City Hall.

An informational meeting about holding a block watch and keeping neighborhoods safe is scheduled for July 27 at Sumner City Hall.

The event is from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. and is intended to provide residents with the skills needed to organize their own neighborhood block watches.

According to authorities residents who know their neighbors and meet with them at least once a year, more effectively recognize suspicious activity and are faster to call the police.

One way to hold a block watch is for neighbors to gather for a barbecue and arrange to have a police officer stop by and answer any questions people have about crime prevention.

At the July 27 event, Sumner police will provide a Block Watch in a Box, including invitations, blank rosters to fill in, Sumner crime statistics and even a recipe or two.

For more information call Jason Wilson, Sumner Police Department administrative manager at 253-299-5642 or visit to request a Block Watch in Box.