Buckley looking to drop natural gas charges

By John Leggett-The Courier Herald

By John Leggett-The Courier Herald

Buckley citizens using natural gas may see a small reduction in their utility bills in the not-too-distant future.

Currently, the rate the city pays for natural gas is $7.92 per therm and this rate has been reflected on monthly bills.

At the most recent city council meeting, however, council members voted to charge Buckley City Administrator David Schmidt and Mayor Patricia Johnson with the responsibility of keeping their fingers on the pulse of the steadily dropping prices of natural gas and then freeze the most desirable rate.

IGI Resources, the natural gas broker for the city, has offered a possible one- to three-year fixed rate on natural gas. Schmidt said he is watching and waiting for the price to drop to the neighborhood of $7.50 per therm and then possibly lock it in at approximately that rate for the next three years, so there can be consistency with Buckley's natural gas rate.

John Leggett can be reached at jleggett@courierherald.com.