Buckley residents with a desire to serve their community now have the perfect opportunity. Due to a resignation from the City Council, a vacancy must be filled on the city’s governing body.
Candidates for the Position 7 seat have until June 2 to submit an application packet with City Hall.
The replacement will be chosen by the six existing members of the council and will serve through 2017. The seat will be on the November 2017 general election ballot.
To be eligible, candidates must have one full year of residency within the Buckley city limits and be a registered voter.
Council members are expected to attend two council meetings per month – on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings – along with one workshop and one or two committee meetings each month. Compensation is $250 per month.
The principal tasks of a council member are to establish city policy and adopt Buckley’s annual budget.
Candidates for the Position 7 vacancy must submit a letter of interest and a completed application. The application is available at City Hall, 933 Main St., or can be downloaded from the city’s website, www.cityofbuckley.com.
Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on June 2.
The council opening came due to the departure of Jenney Kyllonen, who served just a few months in office. She ran unopposed during last fall’s general election and took the oath of office in January.