BB SHOOTING: On March 3, officers were called to a driver’s report of her car being struck on the window by a small object. The reporting party told officers that she walked down the street and heard juveniles laughing, but did not see them. While on scene, officers were advised of another report coming in about a driver’s window being struck near the same area as the first. Officers made contact with residents of the area, who denied knowledge of the incident.
THEFT TOOLS: Officers pulled over a vehicle March 3 after a computer check showed the registration for the car was expired. The driver told officers she did not have insurance for the car, and officers recognized the passenger, and a record check came back positive for his arrest. On his person officers found tools typically used for breaking into vehicles. He was cited for possession of motor vehicle theft told and was transported to the Puyallup police. The female driver was given an infraction for failure to renew registration and driving without insurance.