Tomorrow, April 1, is National Census Day. All census questionnaires should be postmarked by that date.
The City of Bonney Lake will mark the day by placing a readerboard on state Route 410 urging residents to “be counted” and turn in their questionnaire, City Administrator Don Morrison said.
With the passing of April 1, the local census office in Tacoma will hire approximately 1,500 workers to complete any missing data for Pierce County. Each census taker will be paid $17.50 per hour. The number that will be dedicated to Bonney Lake and Sumner is not known.
Training for census takers will begin April 26, with collection work beginning on May 1 or shortly thereafter, said Jason Mook, a supervisor with the Tacoma census office. Collection work should last two to eight weeks.
As of today, Pierce County was recorded with a 52 percent completion rate, meaning slightly less than half of county residents have not completed a mailed census questionnaire.
To schedule an appointment with the Tacoma census office to take an employment test, call 253-267-7220.
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