Christina Ramous will reign over Buckley’s weekend festivities, having been named Log Show Queen.
The 17-year-old White River High senior is the daughter of Arthur and Kathryn Ramous. She is a member of the National Honor Society and FFA, has earned varsity letters in cross country and tennis and has been a Vacation Bible School counselor and a tennis camp counselor. She plans to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees in English and eventually become a university English professor.
Kristen Mitchell, age 18 and a 2011 graduate of White River High, was named first princess; Alexandra Mitchell, a 16-year-old senior at White River High, was named second princess; and Mariah Riggsby, 18 and a 2010 graduate of White River was named third princess. Kristen Mitchell and Alexandra Mitchell are the daughters of Douglas Sr. and Denise Mitchell. Mariah Riggsby is the daughter of Dave and Angie Riggsby.
Contestants underwent an interview Thursday with a panel of three judges. Judges asked the contestants about their knowledge of the Buckley Log Show and their individual interests and activities. Contestants were evaluated on their ability to communicate, poise and knowledge of Buckley Log Show.
The Buckley Log Show Queen and Princesses will appear at the Buckley Log Show Parade at 10 a.m. Saturday and will attend activities throughout the weekend Buckley Log Show. The Log Show Queen will attend festivals and make other appearances across Washington to promote the Buckley Log Show during the upcoming year. The Buckley Log Show Queen is sponsored by the Buckley Chamber of Commerce.