City to perform design review of the Fennel Creek Lift Station | Bonney Lake

The City of Bonney Lake issued an administrative decision for Design Review of the Fennel Creek Lift Station and sanitary sewer extension project within the City of Bonney Lake.

The City of Bonney Lake issued an administrative decision for Design Review of the Fennel Creek Lift Station and sanitary sewer extension project within the City of Bonney Lake.

Project Name: Fennel Creek Lift Station and Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.

File Number: PLN 2016-01879 Description of Proposal: The applicant requests design review for the Fennel Creek Lift Station and Sanitary Sewer Extension Project.

The applicant proposes to develop a sanitary sewer lift station on City of Bonney Lake property near the intersection of 192nd Avenue East and Sumner-Buckley Highway East.

The applicant will install a sanitary sewer main within the right-of-way along Sumner Buckley Highway East and Veterans Memorial Drive East.

Applicant: City of Bonney Lake, c/o John Woodcock, P.E. – City Engineer, 19306 Bonney Lake Boulevard East, Bonney Lake, WA 98391,

Phone: (253) 447-4336, Email:

Location: The project is located within S33, T20N, R5E, W.M., Bonney Lake, WA. The lift station is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of 192nd Avenue East and SumnerBuckley Highway East.

Staff Contact: Ryan Harriman, AICP, Associate Planner, City of Bonney Lake Community Development Department, 9002 Main Street East, Suite 300, Bonney Lake, WA 98391, Phone: (253) 447-4350, Email:

This decision may be appealed to the City of Bonney Lake Hearing Examiner. Please refer to BLMC 14.120.040 for appeal procedures. A complete appeal application and fee shall be received by the Community Development Department prior to the close of business April 28, 2016.You should be prepared to make specific factual objections.

A copy of this notice was mailed to the applicant, the county assessor, and anyone who, prior to the decision, requested notice of the decision or submitted substantive comments on the application or was otherwise a party of record.