The city of Sumner is considering updating its dispatch service to be compatible with local jurisdictions.
During a Sept. 27 study session, council members met with representatives from Puyallup 911 Communications Center to hear about the possible transition.
Sumner uses Very High Frequency while other dispatchers and jurisdictions use 800 megahertz. Bonney Lake switched to 800 MHz this year.
City Administrator Diane Supler said it’s important to maintain the same level of service while bringing the equipment up to date.
“We are the smallest communication center in the region,” Supler said.
The initial cost is $180,000 for new equipment including radios needed to be compatible on the 800 MHZ level. Cost savings are likely but unknown, Supler said.
Sumner would discontinue dispatch operations and move them to the Puyallup 911 Communications Center.
Supler said it will take between three to five months if the council approves the change.