Councilwoman Cindi Hochstatter requested the resignation of Councilman Matt Richardson at the Sumner City Council Oct. 11 study session.
Following completion of discussing items on the agenda, Hochstatter said she would like to read a statement she had prepared.
Hochstatter cited incidents in Richardson’s past and her lack of trust in him to make good decisions as the reasons for the request.
Councilman Steve Allsop said the request from Hochstatter came as a surprise.
“It hadn’t been discussed. At least not with me,” he said.
He agreed with Hochstatter and said he also wanted Richardson to resign.
Speaking with the Courier-Herald on the phone, Allsop said Richardson became visibly upset.
“He immediately just jumped all over her and was just really in attack mode, I guess I would say. And I chimed in and said I agreed with Cindi,” Allsop said.
Hochstatter declined to comment for this story.
Allsop said Richardson relies on his personality.
“People like him operate first in a … he’ll use his charm, if you want to call it that,” Allsop said.
Allsop said if Richardson’s charm does not work in his favor, he’ll resort to intimidation. Allsop added he wasn’t going to be intimidated by Richardson.
Allsop said he wants the issue of Richardson, his history and the request for his resignation to be discussed at a different forum than a study session or council meeting.
“Our meetings are not the place for that conversation and yet when it continues to come up, I can’t sit idly by,” he said.
During the Oct. 4 council meeting, Chris Clifford, who is a former volunteer for Sen. Pam Roach, whom Richardson is challenging in the current 31st District race, presented council with a packet of information about Richardson.
At the same meeting Allsop said while some people have accused the council of protecting Richardson, he wants to make it very clear this is not the case with him.