Delayed voters’ pamphlets are on their way | Pierce County

USPS carriers began delivering the pamphlets today, July 30.

Editor’s note: The following is a press release from Pierce County.

Voters’ pamphlets for the upcoming Primary Election were delayed in some areas of Pierce County but are now in the mail and headed to voters. Ballot delivery was not affected.

The Pierce County Auditor’s Office confirmed that U.S. Postal Service (USPS) carriers began delivering the pamphlets today, July 30. Distribution could take several days to complete depending on the carrier route.

Affected areas include: Buckley, Carbonado, DuPont, Fife, Kapowsin, Key Peninsula, McKenna, Orting, South Prairie, Steilacoom, Wilkeson, and parts of Parkland, Spanaway and Midland.


The voters’ pamphlets can be immediately accessed online at in the “Current Election” section. And, voters can find a location near them to pick up a hard copy of the pamphlet. Locations include all public library branches across the Pierce County, Tacoma and Puyallup library systems, and 18 additional locations such as city halls, community centers and post offices.

“This issue has been as frustrating for us as it has been for the affected voters,” said Pierce County Auditor Linda Farmer. “We are extremely proud of our voters’ pamphlet and want to make sure that every household gets their copy. We are working with our print vendor to prevent errors like this in the future.”

To-date the delayed voters’ pamphlets have not affected ballot returns. Pierce County is currently at about a 7% countywide return rate, which is consistent with past Primary return data for this point in the election process. Pierce County Elections will continue to closely monitor the situation.

The Primary Election is August 6. Ballots must be postmarked by August 6 or returned to one of our 51 drop box locations by 8 p.m. on election night.

We appreciate the communities’ continued understanding and patience as we work to rectify this situation.

For further information, contact Pierce County Elections at, or 253-798-8683 or visit
