Dieringer voters appear to have easily approved the district’s two-year maintenance levy that makes up 32 percent of the district’s budget.
As of Tuesday evening, the levy was passing with 57.52 percent of the vote.
The levy will provide the district with $5.45 million in 2013 and $5.75 million in 2014.
“We are very, very pleased,” said Superintendent Judy Neumeier-Martinson. “Our community just continues to be amazing and supportive.”
According to literature provided by the district, the levy is estimated to produce a tax rate of approximately $4.82 per $1,000 assessed value.
According to Neumeier-Martinson, money from the levy is used to keep class sizes at an “appropriate level,” as well as to subsidize transportation, which the superintendent said is very expensive because none of the district’s students can walk to school.
Money from the levy is also used for educational and extracurricular programs.
Neumeier-Martinson said the levy’s passage allows the district to go ahead with planning for the next two years, though they are still waiting for the end of the legislative session to see the full amount of funding expected form the state.
“The community sure came through though,” she said.
Results from the all mail-in ballot will be updated each day at 4 p.m. Certification is set for Feb. 28.
For more information visit http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/abtus/ourorg/aud/elections/main/current.htm.