It appears not all of the Democrats in the 31st District are ready to throw their support behind incumbent Senator Pam Roach.
Following on the heels of an unexpected endorsement of Roach by “Independent Democrat” Rep. Chris Hurst, former Roach opponent Yvonne Ward and former 31st statehouse candidate Karen Willard, the 31st Legislative District Democrats have issued a press release of their own making it clear that the trio of candidates were speaking for themselves and not the party.
“…Members of the executive board of the 31st L.D. Democrats wish it known that we do not endorse Pam Roach or any Republican,” reads the Oct. 1 release. “We are at a loss as to why any declared Democrat or ‘Independent Dem’ would do so.”
Hurst, Willard and Ward said in their release that questions about the past of challenger and Sumner City Councilmember Matt Richardson led them to take the unusual step of endorsing Roach.
Both Roach and Richardson are Republicans. Democrats Ron Weigelt and Raymond Bunk finished third and fourth, respectively, in the August primary.
The release from the 31st L.D. Democrats addresses the allegations, but makes no comment either way.
“Nor do we agree with, condone or take any positions whatsoever concerning past allegations directed at Matt Richardson” it says.
The press release goes on to state that the top-two primary has “limited the voters choices” and encourages voters to vote for a write-in candidate instead of voting for either of the Republicans.
Since this statement was release, 31st L.D. Democrat state committeman and precinct chair Brian L. Gunn has announced his attention to run as a write-in candidate for the position.