District provide advice for those worried about flu

Superintendents in the Enumclaw and White River school districts recently released information for parents regarding the H1N1, Swine flu virus.

Superintendents in the Enumclaw and White River school districts recently released information for parents regarding the H1N1, Swine flu virus.

Several cases have been reported in Washington state and both districts work closely with local, state and national health agencies to investigate any illnesses and/or infections.

Public Health – Seattle and King County, as well and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are emphasizing the importance of keeping ill children out of schools and childcare centers as a way to reduce the risk of illness. Consistent national and local guidelines on this topic have been issued.

Swine flu in people is characterized by fever (100 degrees Farenheit or higher), sore throat, cough, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue. The illness may last up to seven days, but people are considered to be contagious as long as symptoms persist.

It is advised that families call their health care provider if the child is ill enough that they would normally see a health care provider, and to use the same judgment they would use during a normal flu season (e.g., if you would not usually see a health care provider for the symptoms your child has now, you do not need to see a health care provider; if you need medical care and don’t have a medical provider or health insurance, call the Community Health Access Program at 800-756-5437. You will not be asked to provide proof of your immigration status).

District leaders are reminding parents and staff of the importance of prevention and how to stay safe.

What You Can Do To Prevent the Spread of Swine Flu:

• Sneeze or cough into a tissue, elbow or sleeve. Throw the tissue in the trash after use.

• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol based

hand sanitizers are also effective.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs can be spread that way.

• If you are sick, stay home.

Symptoms of Swine Flu:

• Fever (100° or more), cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue.

Please remember that students should stay home when they have any of the above symptoms.

The Enumclaw School District has been updated its Web site, www.enumclaw.wednet.edu, on a regular basis with important information and helpful links. Questions may be directed to the district office or a child’s home school.

In Pierce County, contact Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department with questions or suspected cases of swine flu (www.tpchd.org) or call 253 798-6500.