A colorful quilt can go a long way to comfort a kid in need.
That’s why Bonnie Maiorca recently donated 18 hand-made quilts to the Bonney Lake Police Department for officers to give to kids that may need them in a crisis situation.
Maiorca and her husband became involved in the BLPD because her husband was a police officer for 20 years, and recently went through the department’s Citizens Academy.
Maiorca hopes that these quilts can go along with the donation of hand-made stuffed animals that was donated by Morgan Hopen last March.
“These are kids that are frightened. If there’s something they can take place to place… it gives them comfort,” Maiorca said.
In her spare time, Maiorca also makes quilts for the Mary Bridges hospital.
In total, she’s made and donated more than 500 quilts.
Donations of fabric can be made by contacting Officer Nate Alvord at alvordn@ci.bonney-lake. wa.us.