TRAFFIC HAZARD: An officer on patrol the evening of Oct. 17 spotted a vehicle traveling along Charwila Lane with three flat tires. The vehicle was stopped and the driver was advised he could not continue with the vehicle in that condition. The vehicle was left at the scene and was to be moved within 24 hours.
TOOLS TAKEN: A McHugh Avenue resident told police the afternoon of Oct. 19 someone had forced entry into a garage and stolen tools.
NEED TO LEAVE: Police responded to a McHugh Avenue resident Oct. 17, after hearing that unwanted family members had locked themselves in a trailer behind the primary residence. An officer contacted all involved. The homeowner told the trespassing family members they had one hour to collect their belongings and leave. They complied.
STUDENT TROUBLE: An officer responded the afternoon of Oct. 16 to Enumclaw Middle School, where there was a problem with a juvenile. Contact was made and it was agreed the school and the student’s parents would handle the situation.
WEED SMOKERS: A report of five juvenile females smoking marijuana had police responding the afternoon of Oct. 16 to a Watson Street address. The group had departed prior to police arrival. At 6:20 p.m., police were tolf of a group of eight to 10 juveniles smoking marijuana in the vicinity of Garrett Street and Battersby Avenue. They were leaving, and not smoking anything, when an officer arrived.