Elementary No. 9 given a name

Elementary No. 9, the long-nameless primary school in the Cascadia development, has been named by the Sumner School District.

Elementary No. 9, the long-nameless primary school in the Cascadia development, has been named by the Sumner School District. The building will be named Donald Eismann Elementary School, after the former superintendent of the district.

The new name was confirmed after two school board meetings in which the board of directors weighed a list of submissions from community members.

Eismann was credited as being instrumental in partnering with Cascadia Development in 2006 to build the school. It was intended to serve Cascadia residents when it opened in 2008, but the lack of progress from the development has led to the school existing without a base population.

The campus housed Victor Falls Elementary students during the 2009-10 school year and will house Bonney Lake Elementary students during the coming academic year.