Energy assistance office may close door

By Teresa Herriman, The Courier-Herald

By Teresa Herriman, The Courier-Herald

Low-income seniors in Bonney Lake who qualify for energy assistance programs administered by the county may find a shuttered office after the first of the year.

The problem is at the federal level. Senate members adjourned last week without passing a budget. Without a budget, no money will be available for programs such as the one that provides low-income families and seniors with assistance for their winter heating bills. Washington state, which receives the funds from the federal government, has imposed a spending limit on the Low-income Heating Assistance program and current funds to aid those in need are dwindling. "This is the first time I can remember this happening," Energy Weatherization Coordinator for Pierce County, Sherry Martin, said. "At this point we are going to stay open and, hopefully, we will be able to continue."

A budget bill passed the House, but was stalled in the Senate. Martin explained that since Congress does not reconvene until the end of January, the chance of restoring funding before February is slim.

Currently, the program is holding its own, she reports. "We can operate this month and should be OK in January, but if the budget doesn't pass sometime soon, we will be closing in February," Martin said.

"The best thing people can do is contact their congressman."

Teresa Herriman can be reached at