Enumclaw High School daily bulletin for March 26

If you are going on the College Planning Day field trip Monday to Highline College- report to the Commons immediately.

Enumclaw High School Daily Bulletin

Monday, March 26, 2012


Athletics & Activities or go on line at: www.highschoolsports.net.

Or more athletics www.spsl.org Keep up on the Hornet scores!

Today’s New Information:


If you are going on the College Planning Day field trip today to Highline College- report to the Commons immediately.

Seniors – all Local Scholarship applications are due Friday, March 30th,  turn into Counseling Center by 3:00 pm!

Boys State applications are due Friday, March 30th by 3:00,  turn into the Counseling Center.


The final play of the year is here!  “The House at Pooh Corner” stars Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Rabbit, and all your favorite characters!  This show will be performed at the High School and the Elementary Schools!  Auditions are Tuesday, March 27th from 3-6pm.  All are welcome, just show up, no monologues to prepare!  As Winnie the Pooh would say: “A fat, jolly animal would never harm anyone!”  Questions: See Mr. Miller in 714.


ASB Officer Petitions are available in the Activity Office now.  If you would like to be an ASB Officer next year please this is your chance to make a difference.  (President – Seniors only, Vice President – Juniors only,  Secretary – Seniors, Juniors & Sophomores only,  Treasurer – Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores may apply)  They are due back by Friday, March 30.


The Color Guard team is looking for new recruits for its 2012-2013 Season, which includes fall competition with Hornet Marching Band and winter competition in Winter guard. The team is directed by Cheryl Richenburg, head coach, and Janet Johnson, assistant coach, and is open to girls and boys, grades 6th-12th. For more information, please contact Cheryl Richenburg at 253-732-2028.


Any student who has not picked up their course registration packet for next year, needs to see their English teacher as soon as possible.    These will need to be completed by March 27th.


Peer tutors are needed in the Special Education program next year.  Do you like helping students by playing games, helping in math or just plain reading with others.  This is your chance to make a difference for another student.  You can pick up an application in Room 1023.  Fill it out and turn it in as soon as possible in order to participate.  We need you!


Make a muscle, make a difference!  The Hive is now selling shamrocks during March to help support the fight against Muscular Dystrophy and other muscular diseases.  Each shamrock is only a dollar and every penny goes towards the MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association.)  Please help us in our goal to raise $50.00 or more for this fundraiser!  The top contributor in the school will be announced at the end of the month and given a certificate of appreciation.  Their fight is our fight!


Seniors, Jostens will be at Enumclaw on Monday and Tuesday, March 26th & 27th, for you to pick up your graduation cap, gown and announcement orders during lunch.  Please stop by and pick up your order.


To those that would like to participate in the 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament – the date is this Wednesday, March 28 at 7:00PM in the gym.  Remember that it costs $15.00 per team.  Please pay the cashier .


Information in Review:



Sadies Dance Passes (for students not attending EHS) are available in the Activities Office.  Please return them by Monday, April 8.


Seniors- For those of you with a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher, Honor Cords are available for purchase now through May 3rd. Price is $7.25, please pay the cashier.

After school math tutoring is available for any students who need a little extra help with homework or preparing for tests.  Tutoring is held Tuesday in portable 10 and Thursday in room 211 from 2:40 to 3:30.  Drop in for all or just part of the time to get your math questions answered.  Hope to see you there.

Counseling & Career Center News:



Cabaret                                                             Tuesday, May 22                        6:00 – 8:30PM               Commons

Senior Project Night                                            Wednesday, May 23                   TBD                                       Campus

Sadies                                                               Saturday, April 14                      8:00PM to 11:00PM                   Commons

Junior Achievement Banquet                                Thursday, April 19                      6:30 – 8:30PM              Commons

EHS Fundraiser for Choir/Football – Pancake Feed Saturday, April 21       8:00AM – 1:00PM            Commons

EHS Streetmasters Car Show & Car Bash                Friday, June 1    7:00 – 1:45PM    Auto Shop

Prom                                                                 Saturday, June 2                        6:00PM to 11:00PM

Choir Concert    Wednesday, June 6        7:00 -8:30PM      Auditorium

Senior Check-out                                                Thursday, June 7                        Classrooms &                Library

2012 Seniors Last Day                                                     Friday, June 8

Graduation (10 free tickets)                                 Monday, June 11                        7:00PM White River Amphitheatre

Last Day of school ( Undergraduates)           Tuesday, June 19


Robotics Summer Camp                Monday, June 25 – 28    9:00 – 3:00PM    602 -603

Girls Basketball Youth Camp        Monday, July 9 – 12        12:00 – 5:30        Gyms


Registration for fall 2012 Sports                           Monday, August 13

Athletic/Cashier Office NOT OPEN                        Tuesday, August 14

First Day of Football Practice                               Wednesday, August 15

Cross Country, Golf, Soccer (G), Swim (G)

Tennis (B), Volleyball, Water Polo (B) Begin          Monday, August 20

Hornet Days                                                      Thursday, August 23 & Friday, August 24

First Day of School 2012                                     Wednesday, August 29               Campus

2012 Homecoming Dance                                   Saturday, September 29             TBD

CLUBS/GROUPS & Meetings:

GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) New club -Believe in stopping bullying and harassment?  Think everyone deserves kindness and respect? Wish you had a place to go for support?  Want to make an impact in our world?

GSA meetings are on Wednesday’s from 2:30PM to 4:00PM in room 142.  Get involved!

Interested in serving your community?  Want to help others?  Interact club is a service club here on campus that works with the Rotary Club.  We are looking for volunteers to help with events

throughout the school year.  Now is your chance to get involved and make a difference.  Please contact  christy_weinbrecht@enumclaw.wednet.edu

National Honor Society students.  Need Service Hours?  If there’s a subject you’re good at or even a topic in a subject that you’re good at, we need you to be a peer tutor during CORE time.  Each

week you tutor equals 1 hour of community service time.  If you’re interested in being a tutor, see Mrs. Weinbrecht in room 210.

The Native American Club is an opportunity for students to participate in leadership and cultural activities. The group will meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the counseling offices. There are no fees to participate in the club. Club participation is a great opportunity to learn about Tribal leadership.

Weight Club meets Mon-Tues-Thurs at 3-4:30.  See Mr. Gutierrez for T-shirt after you sign up or Mr. Bartel for schedule.

Need something fun to do on Monday nights? Young Life is the answer. Come join us in the senior locker bay at 7:37PM.

COMMUNITY Happenings:

Enumclaw School District Clothing Bank  Need clothes? We have them for free. The clothing bank is located at JJ Smith School 1640 Fell Street.

We are here to help you out. We have gently used donated clothes and shoes!  .   Hours are Tuesdays 10 am – 6 pm.  We are open whenever school is in session.  Sheila  253-740-1367

Attention Class of 2012 Parents:

We still have room for students to sign up for the all night grad party following graduation.  Due to lack of participation in fundraising, we have increased the price per student to $200.  Please have money in no later than May 1st.  We need to secure the buses and will need a head count by that date. Mail payments to Lorie Ritzdorf at PO Box 812 Enumclaw WA 98022.


Thunder Mountain Middle School PTSO is proud to present Charlie Hoff on tips for getting into the best schools with the most financial assistance.  Come to TMMS Library on Thursday, March 29, 2012 from 7:00 – 8:30PM.