Enumclaw High School Daily Bulletin | June 4

There will not be math tutoring available for the remainder of the year. Please make arrangements with your math teacher if you need after school help.

Enumclaw High School Daily Bulletin

Monday, June 4, 2012


Athletics & Activities or go on line at: www.highschoolsports.net.

Or more athletics www.spsl.org Keep up on the Hornet scores!


Today’s New Information:


There will not be math tutoring available for the remainder of the year.  Please make arrangements with your math teacher if you need after school help.


Only 3 more sessions of after-school tutoring in the Library.  If you want to get those missing assignments in, we can help- every Monday and Wednesday, 2:30 – 3:30PM.


Please check out the Fine List by the Cashiers Office.  Are you on it?  Please pay your fines now!


Friday, June 8th is Class Color Day too. Seniors wear black, juniors – maroon, sophomores – gold and freshmen  – white.

CLASS DAY and  SENIOR RECOGNITION ASSEMBLY      —- Friday, June 8, 2012

Schedule:      1st period:                    8:00   8:15

2nd period:                  8:20    8:35

3rd period:                   8:40    8:55

4th period:                   9:00    9:15

5th period:                   9:20    9:35

6th period:                   9:40    9:55

Assembly:                  10:03  11:00

Lunch:                       11:00  11:40

Carnival:                    11:15    1:15


Grill Master, Greg Little, will barbeque the hamburgers.  Prices for complete lunches will be $2.75 for students and $4.00 for adults.  The menu will include: BBQd hamburger, BBQd Kielbasa, pasta and potato salad, fruit, fruit salad, potato chips & milk (and veggie burgers upon request).


OJT and other early release students may leave at the end of their regular day.  Those wishing to stay must see an administrator.


An all-school carnival with music will take place in the courtyard, weather permitting after the assembly.


Student Behavior and Campus Notes:

•           The commons and commons courtyard are open for students during the lunch and carnival.  THE REST OF THE CAMPUS IS CLOSED.


•           THERE IS NO SENIOR OR JUNIOR PRIVILEGE during lunch on this day.


•           Students wishing to leave campus must follow regular check-out procedures.  YOU MAY NOT RE-ENTER CAMPUS ONCE YOU HAVE CHECKED OUT.


•           Students properly checked out from the Attendance Office will have a green early dismissal slip.


Information in Review:


Buzzy’s Express will officially close for the year on June 8th.  The baristas would like to genuinely thank all of our loyal customers who not only supported our coffee shop but our Culinary Arts program.


FCCLA officers for the 2012-2013 school year are:

President – Adriana (Bubba) Barrera

Vice President – Sydney Agnew

Treasurer – Kaitlin Lovelace

Secretary – Ruby Reynozo

Historian – Kyrstin Schlager

Fundraising Coordinator – Crystal Blanchet

Mrs. Webb and Mrs.Lang look forward to having many successful and fun FCCLA events next year with these great officers.




Seniors:  If you ordered honor cords, they are available for pick-up in the Main Office.  See Mrs. Bray.


Graduation Walking Partners will be assigned, if you do not have a partner, the week before Graduation when tickets are being handed out at lunches and also at Senior Check out on June 7 in the Library.  You will need to emailtiffany_armstrong@enumclaw.wednet.edu to sign up for your walking partner if you are picking up tickets from the cashier after lunches June 4 – 8th.


GRADUATION TICKETS will be distributed during both lunches June 4th – June 8th. Each graduate will receive 10 complimentary tickets, and any additional tickets may be purchased for $3 each. No tickets will be sold at the door of Graduation!  ONLY graduates may pick up and purchase extra tickets.


Please return or renew all over due books…especially you Seniors!!




Dance Team Auditions                                           Monday, June 4                           3:00 – ?

Senior Awards                                                      Monday, June 4                           7:00PM                           Auditorium

YUP Party (Yearbook Unveiling Party)                     Wednesday, June 6                      2:45 – 4:00PM                 Commons

Choir Concert                                                        Wednesday, June 6                      7:00 -8:30PM                  Auditorium

Senior Check-out                                                Thursday, June 7                       8:00 -2:30PM  Classrooms & Library

EHS Film Festival                                                  Thursday, June 7                         7:00PM                     Chalet Theater

2012 Seniors Last Day/ BBQ/ Carnival                    Friday, June 8                             8:00 – 1:15PM             EHS Campus

Baccalaureate (1535 Washington, Enumclaw)          Sunday, June 10                          7:00PM         Trinity Lutheran Church

Contact Debbie McKinlay for more information  253-332-2004

Graduation Practice (REQUIRED)                            Monday, June 11                         10:00 – 1:00PM   White River Amphi.

Graduation (10 free tickets, graduates only))         Monday, June 11                       7:00PM      White River Amphitheatre

Graduates must be there by 6:00PM –Guests 6:15PM

Last Day of school (Undergraduates)                      Tuesday, June 19                        8:00 -11:15PM                Per. 1-6


Future Hornets Hoop Camp                                    Monday, June 25 – 28                  9:00 – 4:00PM                 Gyms

Girls Basketball Youth Camp (3 – 5th graders)          Monday, July 9 – 12                     12:00 – 2:30PM               Gyms

Girls Basketball Youth Camp (6 – 9th graders)          Monday, July 9 – 12                     3:00 – 5:30PM                 Gyms

Boys Plateau Pro Camp Basketball                          Monday, July 23 – 25                   8:30 – 3:00PM                 Gyms


Registration for fall 2012 Sports                           Monday, August 13

Athletic/Cashier Office NOT OPEN                        Tuesday, August 14

First Day of Football Practice                               Wednesday, August 15

Cross Country, Golf, Soccer (G), Swim (G)

Tennis (B), Volleyball, Water Polo (B) Begin          Monday, August 20

Hornet Days                                                      Thursday, August 23 & Friday, August 24

First Day of School 2012                                     Wednesday, August 29               Campus

2012 Homecoming Football Game                           Friday, September 28                   Pete’s Pool

2012 Homecoming Dance                                   Saturday, September 29             TBD

PSAT Testing                                                        Saturday, October 20/12              7:30AM – 12:30PM          100 Bldg.


COMMUNITY Happenings:

Enumclaw School District Clothing Bank  Need clothes? We have them for free. The clothing bank is located at JJ Smith School 1640 Fell Street.

We are here to help you out. We have gently used donated clothes and shoes!  .   Hours are Tuesdays 10 am – 6 pm.  We are open whenever school is in session.  Sheila  253-740-1367


Are you looking for a community service activity?  The Enumclaw Visitor Center is looking for tourism-minded volunteers to help promote Enumclaw to visitors coming to the Mt. Rainier area.  If you are 16 years or older and are looking for a community service opportunity, this position offers the experience of working in an office environment while helping the public. There are several shifts available.  For more information call the Chamber of Commerce office at 360-825-7666 or e-mailjulie@enumclawchamber.com.


Help wanted for FARM & YARD work.  Ambitious young man needed for summer work on an Enumclaw farm.  Part Time, Short Time $30/Day    Call Charlene 360-825-7300 or Cody 360-825-8465


Babysitting Job Available:  Amy Trachte    253 -332-6202 (2 boys 3 & 6)