On April 16, the Enumclaw Middle School Alpha leadership class taught by Mr. (Karl) Karkainen organized a field trip to Plateau Outreach Ministries in Enumclaw. First we met with the director, Britt Nelson, who explained to us what POM is all about. Then we got to work!
We broke into three groups. One group sorted bread by type and make sure it was all good. Another group sorted cans and put them on shelves. The third group sorted food into bins for people to take the next day.
After that was done, we sorted plastic bags so customers could put their items in bags that didn’t have holes in them when they were collecting food. We also took multi-pack toilet paper out of the plastic packages and put them into individual bags so people can take just what they need.
When asked what makes her want to work at POM, administrative assistant Jesmie Ginez said, “I can make an impact on my community.”
When asked what they will get out of the field trip, seventh-graders Halle McGowan, Kendra Bertrand and Kaylee Crye all answered, “that it is good to help out others.” Eighth-grader Nathan Allen answered, “I learned how many people need help.”
For those with extra clothes or canned food, the food bank and More Pennies from Heaven thrift store at Plateau Outreach Ministries are always looking for donations.
Written by Reggie West
Seventh-grade student at Enumclaw Middle School