In addition to commemorating the United States men and women who died while in the military service, this year’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1949 Memorial Day service will include more music from the Plateau’s Gateway Concert Band.
The annual program begins at 2 p.m. Sunday at Veterans Memorial Park, off state Route 410 in Enumclaw.
Past VFW Post 1949 Commander Al Lau will serve as master of ceremonies and among the speakers will be Enumclaw Mayor John Wise.
Post member Maurice Sharp, U.S. Army, retired, will be the guest speaker. Sharp is past National Commander of American Ex-Prisoners of War. For 22 months during the Koren War, Sharp was a prisoner of war. He also served in Vietnam.
The Gateway Concert Band, under the direction of Jack Prindle, will perform an interlude of patriotic tunes after Sharp’s presentation, as well as at the beginning and end of the ceremony.
The Scottish American Military Society, accompanied by Sam and Thomas Horn on bagpipes and drum, will present and retire the colors.
Also on the program will be Beverly Schneider singing the national anthem and “Amazing Grace.”
Chaplain Orville Crawford will present the invocation.
The VFW Post 1949 Ladies Auxiliary will lay the wreath. Milton Till, past VFW State Chaplain, will present The March of Our Veterans.
George Rossman will present the Comrades Message at the conclusion.
At 10 a.m. Monday, a second memorial observance will take place at Enumclaw Evergreen Ceremony, 23717 S.E. 416th St. Enumclaw’s VFW Post members will also participate in a noon service Monday at Tahoma National Ceremony, 18600 S.E. 240th St., Maple Valley.