Update 2: East Pierce firefighters located the source of the reported fire at approximately 10:40 p.m. Wednesday night. The fire turned out to be a bonfire underneath power lines east of Burnett and south of Buckley. The Local 3520 page reminded constituents that power line roads are private property and should not be trespassed upon. Firefighters assembled at Station 110 were soon dispersed.
Update from the Local 3520 Facebook page: Firefighters have assembled at East Pierce Station 110 in the town of Wilkeson. Crews are now sending units to different areas to investigate or locate whats burning. They are focused in an area off of the Wilkeson-Spiketon Rd E and the power lines’ dirt road that heads from east to west. Dispatch has received another report, that person indicated they see the fire with binoculars, not sure whats burning, but it doesn’t look like its moving.
East Pierce firefighters are responding to a reported wildland fire in the hills above Wilkeson, according to a post on the IAFF Local 3520 Facebook page.
The poster urged caution against unnecessary alarm, as dispatch had only received one report so far.
The caller from Spiketon advised they had seen what appeared to be a wildfire in the hills.
More information as information becomes available.