Fire district annexation vote passing

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

The East Pierce Fire and Rescue District 22 annexation election is on the road to approval, according to results posted on the Pierce County Auditor's Web site Wednesday morning.

The election involved three separate votes:

€ Sumner residents voted to approve annexation into East Pierce Fire and Rescue District 22;

€ Residents in District 22 voted to approve the annexation of Sumner;

€ and voters in District 1 cast ballots concerning a merger with District 22.

Sumner voters were passing the measure by nearly 90 percent, 1,202 yes to 140 no, according the auditor's Web site.

District 22 was approving the annexation by 89 percent, 4,738 yes and 584 no.

District 1 ballots came in with about a 93 percent approval, 274 yes to 19 no.

Results will be updated at 5 p.m. each weekday at

Dennis Box can be reached at