Beginning in May, the Bonney Lake Food Bank will once again operate the concession stand at Allan Yorke Park. The City Council unanimously aproved the resolution at its March 24 meeting.
The agreement runs through April 2010.
During the summer months, the food bank will operate a lunch program for children. The stand will also be available for nonprofit entities at agreed-upon times.
Also during the March 24 session, the council approved water developer extension agreements with Lakeland LLC for two developments outside the city limits, but within the city’s water service area. Bonney Lake requires that developers have an approved agreement for water improvements to the city’s water system.
Lake Planning Area 7 consists of 30 multi-family units and Area 16 consists of 85 single-family lots, all on property south of Sumner-Tapps Highway.
In other action, the city:
• approved a water and sewer development extension agreement for the Tracy Long Plat.
• approved a construction service agreement with Stripe Rite for stripping streets this year.
• approved a construction service agreement with CTI to remove excess dirt from future public works maintenance facility site off 96th Street East.
The council also passed a proclamation for the city’s commitment to partner with the U.S. Census Bureau for the 2010 count.
Mayor Neil Johnson said residents shouldn’t be alarmed if they see people holding clipboards in their neighborhoods.
Starting April 6, Census workers will be on local streets verifying addresses using handheld computers with GPS. If necessary, Census workers may knock on your doors to verify addresses.
According to Executive Assistant Brian Hartsell, census workers will wear plastic red, white, and blue badges and will identify themselves as employees of the Census Bureau.
Hartsell said the workers are bound by confidentiality laws and they will not ask personal questions such as Social Security number, nor will they ask to enter a home.
Any resident who wants to check the identity of a census worker can contact the Tacoma Census office at 253-267-7201.
After a 5-minute executive session, the council authorized a $5,000 settlement between the city and Anne and Brian Barton.