Fresh plasma an option at Enumclaw Regional

Enumclaw Regional Hospital now has the capability to keep and thaw fresh frozen plasma.

Enumclaw Regional Hospital now has the capability to keep and thaw fresh frozen plasma.

ERH is the second in western Washington state to have this service from Puget Sound Blood Center, noted Dennis Popp, hospital president.

According to information provided by hospital staff, fresh frozen plasma is the plasma removed from a unit of whole blood and frozen at or below -18o C within eight hours of collection. It contains all coagulation factors in normal amounts and is free of red cells, leukocytes and platelets.

It is not a concentrate of clotting factors.

One unit is approximately 250 mL and must be ABO compatible with the recipient’s red cells; Rh need not be considered.

In an emergent situation FFP (Type AB) can be given if blood type specific is not available.

This technology was made possible through a donation by the Enumclaw Regional Healthcare Foundation.