Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announced today that an agreement was made in regards to the operating budget. It’s expected to be presented to him for a signature by 5 p.m. Friday, he said.
“I am happy and I know we are all relieved to report to you that lawmakers have reached agreement on an operating budget for the next biennium.
“This allows us to avert a government shutdown on Monday.
“Legislative leaders tell me they will move as quickly as possible to pass the budget and get it to me for my signature.
“They say that can be done by 5 pm Friday.
“However, the deal reached today makes it clear that state government will continue to operate.
“We will be notifying state employees to report to work Monday, July 1.
“Government operations will not be interrupted. All government functions will be in operation Monday.
“Washington will be at work Monday,” said Inslee.