Karl Karkainen, a teacher at Enumclaw Middle School, has been honored as the 2015-16 Washington State Middle Level Leadership Adviser of the Year.
He was locally honored during a Feb. 11 surprise ceremony at the school and will be formally recognized March 9-11 during the annual conference of the Washington Activity Coordinators Association in Kennewick.
Karkainen teaches sixth grade language arts and history at EMS, as well directing the school’s leadership class. The leadership class is made up of ASB leaders and others who are placed in the class as an elective.
The nomination came from Enumclaw Middle School and included the statement by Principal Steve Rabb that Karkainen “has completely revolutionized our student leadership in less than three years.”
The nomination form details how Karkainen “has found ways to put kids who otherwise would never consider themselves leaders in leadership positions.” The nomination commends the adviser for allowing students to take the initiative on projects and notes how student leaders have been recognized on a national level.
Additionally, the successful nomination told how Karkainen “continues to develop his program and expand into areas of whole school involvement around global awareness issues such as conservation, funding water wells and building schools in third world countries.”