Jan Shabro considers return to politics as Pierce County Assessor-Treasurer

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

Jan Shabro may have thought she retired from public service, but in politics few things stay the same.

Shabro is giving serious consideration to running for the Pierce County assessor-treasurer position.

Ken Madsen, the current assessor-treasurer, could seek a third term of four years, but he has not made an announcement.

Shabro said she met with Madsen and, “I was very encouraged by him.”

Pierce County Councilman Terry Lee, R-Gig Harbor, was looking at running for the office, but decided against it, which opened the door for Shabro.

“This just came up in the last couple of weeks,” Shabro said. “I wasn't considering it until Terry Lee decided against it. I received a lot of requests from people I know to consider the office.”

Shabro, a Tapps Island resident, said it is always a big decision to run for public office, but she considers it an important office and a good fit for her.

“I think it is important that the assessor-treasurer is honest, fair and informative and I think I have those qualities,” Shabro said. “And I do have a leg up because I've dealt with budgets.”

Shabro served two terms as a state representative from 2002 through 2006. She lost to Chris Hurst, D-Greenwater, in a bid for a third term.

She also served two terms as a Pierce County Councilwoman, from 1995 through 2002.

The assessor-treasurer office is non-partisan.

Shabro ran in 2000 for Pierce County executive. She lost to John Ladenburg, who went on to win the general election.

Dennis Box can be reached at dbox@courierherald.com.