Judge OKs Gilbert’s request to serve as his own attorney

Weldon Marc Gilbert’s request to serve as his own lawyer was granted Friday by Pierce County Superior Court Judge John McCarthy.

Weldon Marc Gilbert’s request to serve as his own lawyer was granted Friday by Pierce County Superior Court Judge John McCarthy.

Gilbert, the Lake Tapps-area pilot, is fighting charges of child rape and other crimes in state court.

In 2009, Gilbert plead guilt to child-sex crimes in federal court and received a 25-year sentence. Prosecutors were surprised when he backed out of a bargain and requested to represent himself.

A June 21 trail date was tentatively set on state charges of multiple counts of child rape and sexual exploitation of a minor.

In January, Deputy Prosecutor Patrick Hammond filed a letter sent to Gilbert’s attorney in court. It states the state will seek a life sentence that could keep Gilbert in prison.

Hammond also wrote in his letter his office will fight Gilbert’s efforts to interview witnesses and victims in the case. A court order issued prohibits Gilbert from talking to the witnesses and victims.