Keeping children safe as they head back to school | AAA

As the new school year begins, AAA Washington is urging drivers to use extra caution when traveling in school zones, backing out of driveways and navigating through parking lots and neighborhoods. Motorists can expect to see an increase in pedestrian traffic on the roads during the during morning and afternoon hours as children walk or ride bikes to school or wait for their school buses.

As the new school year begins, AAA Washington is urging drivers to use extra caution when traveling in school zones, backing out of driveways and navigating through parking lots and neighborhoods. Motorists can expect to see an increase in pedestrian traffic on the roads during the during morning and afternoon hours as children walk or ride bikes to school or wait for their school buses.  AAA reminds everyone to pay attention, slowdown in school zones and around school buses and to follow the rules of the road.

As the new school year begins the number of teen collisions spike as teen drivers head back to school. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that teen crashes increase in September during the hours just before school starts and the hours after school. AAA encourages parents with teens that drive to school to talk with them about traffic safety, to limit the number of teen passengers riding in the vehicle and to have a parent-teen driving agreement that clearly defines the teen’s driving responsibilities, privileges and consequences to set the stage for a safe school year.

Back-to-School Safety Tips from AAA:

1. Slow down. Obey Washington’s 20 mph speed limit in school zones. Speed limits in school zones are reduced for a reason. A pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling at 20 mph is nearly two-thirds less likely to be killed compared to a pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling just 10 mph faster.

2. Keep your eyes on the road and your mind focused on driving. Pay attention while driving and eliminate dangerous distractions that can increase the risk of being involved in a collision. Store cell phones out of reach to limit texting, calling, emailing or other cell phone distractions while driving.

3. Come to a complete stop. More than one-third of drivers roll through stop signs in school zones or neighborhoods. Always come to a complete stop before proceeding.

– Reverse responsibly. Check for children on the sidewalk, in driveways, school parking lots and around your vehicle before slowly backing up.

5. Respect crossing zones: More than 22,000 students in Washington State volunteer as AAA School Safety Patrollers to help protect their fellow classmates as they go to-and-from school. Help celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the AAA School Safety Patrol by being careful near crossing zones and make eye contact with patrollers to ensure maximum safety.

– Watch for bicycles. Slow down and allow at least three feet of passing distance between the vehicle and a bicyclist. Expert advice, videos and safety tips at

7. Talk to your teen. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States, and nearly one in four fatal crashes involving teen drivers occur during the after-school hours of 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Get evidence-based guidance on teen driving, a parent- teen driving agreement and other helpful driving tips at

8. Plan for extra time. Drive slowly and choose alternate routes to avoid school zones if possible, or plan ahead and allow for extra travel time.

9. Practice: Knowl­edge and practice of safe walking and biking around traffic is essential. Choose safe walking and bicycling routes and demonstrate the rules of the road with your children before school starts.

10. Use caution around stopped school buses: Be Alert, children can be unpredictable as they load or unload the bus.  Always follow the school bus flashing lights and the extended arm stop signals and never pass a school bus on the right.

Remember, it’s everyone’s responsibility to be alert, to follow the rules of the road and to have patience to help keep everyone safe traveling to-and-from school.  For more information on school zone safety go to AAA’s “School’s Open – Drive Carefully” page at