The Wilkeson Town Council was approached last fall by a group of middle school-age children asking for a skate park in the town.
The group, known as KCI – Kids for Community Improvement – kicked off its fundraising effort with a June 30 car wash. The effort generated close to $400, which was combined with an additional $750 in corporate donations.
Wilkeson Mayor Donna Hogerhuis is in the process of writing a grant in the hope that state funds will be awarded to cover half the cost of the project. Other grants and donation requests will follow. It is estimated such a project – which was already in the town’s 2010 Master Park Plan – would cost slightly more than $100,000.
“I want a skate park for entertainment” said Devin Summers, a local sixth-grader. “We want to make something for kids to do,” added Jacob McQueen, a White River Middle school student.
Wilkeson’s young skate park boosters will be selling popcorn and bottled water during Saturday’s Handcar Races celebration. The group also will have a float in Saturday morning’s parade to advertise their efforts. Additionally, they are collecting aluminum cans and will pick up donations.
KCI is accepting business and corporate donations to assist with the fundraising goal” parent volunteer Darla McQueen said.
Donations are tax deductible as KCI is sponsored by Eagles Aerie 1409.
Anyone interested in making a donation of time, money or aluminum cans or wishing to learn more about the project can call McQueen at 360-367-1537 or Trisha Summers at 253-255-2439.