King County Elections certified the results of the 2013 general election today. Voters returned 562,549 ballots for a turnout of nearly 48 percent. Final results are available on the department’s website.
One race, the City of Auburn Council Position No. 6, qualified for a mandatory manual (hand) recount, yet to be scheduled.
A manual recount is required for a race if the difference is less than 150 votes AND also less than one quarter of one percent.
For more on what triggers a recount, see the KCE web site.
State law does not call for mandatory recounts in county or local ballot measures. A recount can also be requested for elective offices or ballot measures. Requests must be received within two business days of certification. This month’s Thanksgiving holiday makes the deadline Monday, Dec. 2 at 4:30 p.m.
General election by the numbers
Ballots issued……………………………………………. 1,185,738
Registered voters………………………………………. 1,176,158
Ballots returned……………………………………………. 562,549
Ballots counted…………………………………………….. 551,665
Voters using AVUs……………………………………………… 358
(Accessible Voting Units)
Ballots accessed online…………………………………… 3,616
Ballots returned at drop boxes……………………… 113,835
Ballots with signature challenges………………….. 12,301
Ballots with remaining signature challenges…… 4,680
Returned too late……………………………………………… 6,074
Returned as undeliverable…………………………….. 13,064