Mayor Liz Reynolds kicked off her re-election campaign Monday, seeking a second term.
Reynolds said in a campaign announcement the past four years have gone quickly and “I am proud to say we were able to preserve the city’s economic health while continuing to provide services to the city’s residents; all this during the toughest financial times seen since the Great Depression. “
The mayor went to state, “Fours years ago I said I would face the difficult challenges and implement solutions. I have held true to my word; Enumclaw is positioned to capture great opportunities that will enhance our community today and in the future.”
Reynolds won the 2009 election beating the incumbent John Wise 66 to 34 percent.
She noted because of the recession the city had to implement a financial survival plan requiring, “a mayor that listens to differing opinions while maintaining an open mind” and making “decisions that sometimes were tough and at times unpopular.”
Reynolds campaign statement:
The following is a statement from Mayor Reynolds summing up the past four years and looking ahead to a brighter future.
Mayor Liz Reynolds has announced that she will seek a second term as Mayor of Enumclaw.
Liz Reynolds:
Let me begin by saying thank you to all of the residents of the City of Enumclaw; it has been my pleasure to serve you during my first term as Mayor. The past four years have gone by quickly and I look forward to serving you in another four years.
I am proud to say we were able to preserve the City’s economic health while continuing to provide services to the City’s residents; all this during the toughest financial times seen since the Great Depression.
In order to maintain and preserve these services, it required the establishment of a new operating model for the City; one that provided strong fiscal oversight of expenditures; operation within a budget of reduced financial means; increasing the communication, transparency, and accountability of the city to its residents; reduction of operating costs; implementing efficiencies and finding innovative ways to preserve the services that are crucial to all of us.
Implementing a “financial survival plan” for the City in this “Great Recession”, required a Mayor that listens to differing opinions while maintaining an open mind, it required a Mayor that was willing to develop new partnerships; it required a Mayor who carefully and fairly assessed information to make decisions, decisions that sometimes were tough and at times unpopular.
Fours years ago I said I would face the difficult challenges and implement solutions. I have held true to my word; Enumclaw is positioned to capture great opportunities that will enhance our community today and in the future.
My commitment to each resident of Enumclaw is continue to safeguard its citizens & offer well delivered service to the residents of Enumclaw. I will continue to work with all of you in order to build a stronger more economically stable future for the community and our children.
the next four years.I would be honored to continue serving this community as your Mayor for Please cast your vote for the re-election of Liz Reynolds as Mayor.
Best wishes always…Mayor Liz Reynolds
“Mayor Liz Reynolds is a proven leader who has successfully guided the City of Enumclaw out of tough financial times. I hope residents of Enumclaw join me in supporting her reelection as Mayor”
Reagan Dunn
Member, King County Council
Chair, King County Flood District
Mayor Reynolds was elected in one of the most challenging economic times since the Great Depression and has shown unwavering leadership in the of face adversity while representing the citizens of Enumclaw. I am proud to support her re-election.”
Christopher Hurst
WA. State Representative
More information will be available soon:
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