McNally fills open Buckley council seat

By John Leggett-The Courier Herald

By John Leggett-The Courier Herald

Buckley's Mark McNally has been attending City Council meetings on a regular basis for the past year or so, in the role of concerned citizen.

He will be continue attending for at least the next three years as well, but in a different capacity, that of city councilman.

McNally was sworn in recently and said he was somewhat surprised, considering the other candidates vying for the post vacated by Bob Hanson, who stepped down for health reasons.

&#8220I was shocked,” McNally said, &#8220because, while all three of us were Navy men, the two other gentlemen both had impressive administrative backgrounds.”

&#8220When it came to weighing my decision,” said Councilwoman Christi Boyle-Barrett, &#8220my tipping point was that Mark was almost always sitting out in the chairs where the concerned citizenry sits, and that told me he is willing to take the time to show interest in what is going on in the community that he lives in. I think he will be very dedicated.”

The 54-year-old McNally has been a firefighter with South King County Fire and Rescue for 27 years.

He said he will not stand in the way of the inevitable growth coming Buckley's way but adds that, as a firefighter, it worries him when houses are built too close together.

&#8220I've fought a lot of fires in which the flames from the original house fire have reached the house next door,” he said.

McNally will chair the &#8220utility” seat on the council, so he will be involved with building and zoning issues as well as streets, stormwater and sidewalks.

&#8220Buckley is a pretty safe place to live and a wholesome area to raise a family,” he said, &#8220and I am looking forward to being part of keeping it that way since I have kids and grandkids living in Buckley.

&#8220For example, I would like to see our parks become more family-oriented places where people can have picnics, play ballgames and have a place where kids can ride their bikes, which is nowhere close to SR 410.”

John Leggett can be reached at