August 25
Neighbor Dispute: Officers responded to the report of a neighbor’s daughter pouring Elmer’s Glue on the reporting parties’ drive way. Once officers arrived, it became clear that the two neighbors have had issues with each other for some time. When the reporting party went to speak with the neighbor about her daughter, the two started arguing. Officers told both parties, no charges would be filed but if they wanted to obtain a restraining order they could do so. No further action was taken at the time of this report.
August 24
Counterfeit: Officers responded to the report of a counterfeit $20 bill being used at a gas station market. The reporting party told officers that someone tried to use the bill and when they told the subject it was fake, they used another bill to pay. Officers spoke with the subject and he told officers he had received the bill with his change earlier in the day at a state Route 410 store. The subject was released on scene and no further action has been taken.
August 23
No Seatbelt: On a routine patrol, officers noticed a vehicle exit a grocery store parking lot. They noticed both the driver and passenger were not wearing seatbelts. Officers spoke with the driver first and he was unable to show them any form of identification. While doing a search of his persons, officers found a small baggie containing a crystal substance. He told officers it was his and that he was a methamphetamine user. While running a records check on the passenger, it was discovered that she a warrant out of Bonney Lake. Due to the lack of jail space, the passenger was released on scene with an a seatbelt infraction. The driver was transported to the Pierce County Jail was he was booked for unlawful possession of a controlled substance, driving with a suspended license and failure to transfer a title within 45 days.
August 22
Expired Tabs: Officers witnessed a vehicle with tabs expiring in February 2014 traveling down SR 410. Once the vehicle was pulled over, officers did a records check and learned the driver had two outstanding warrants for a suspended license. The officers issued him a citation for driving with a license suspended and failure to provide proof of insurance. The vehicle was released to the owner who was also the passenger in the car at the time of the stop. The driver was transported to the Puyallup jail where he was booked on a number of counts including his outstanding warrants, theft and driving with a suspended license.