Each year, the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) holds an awards banquet to honor the best in government television programming. Pierce County TV (PCTV) took home 17 awards at the 2016 event, including three first-place finishes and three second-place awards.
“At PCTV, we are proud of the high-quality programming we produce for the citizens of Pierce County and having that guiding vision rewarded at the national level gives us a real feeling of accomplishment,” said Dave Hinman, PCTV’s general manager. “Every member of this team comes in daily with an eye toward making better television than they did the day before, and it shows with this collection of Government Programming Awards.”
The categories and awards are:
First Place,” Chambers Bay: Making History“
Interview/Talk Show
Third Place, “Pierce County Talks”
Public Education
First Place, “Sumner Traffic Trouble“
Second Place, “Metro Animal Services“
Public Service Announcement
First Place, “Tacoma Symphony PSA“
Honorable Mention, “South Sound Magazine PSA“
Community Awareness
Second Place, “The Trails of Pierce County“
Honorable Mention, “Van Lierop Farm/Step By Step“
Honorable Mention, “Fife Swim Team“
Programming Excellence
Second Place, PCTV
Sports Programming
Honorable Mention, “US Open Special: The Championship Days“
Government Access Station website
Honorable Mention, “Pierce County Television website“
Public Information Series
Honorable Mention, “Meet the Farmer“
Public/Community Meetings
Honorable Mention, Pierce County Council”
Profile of City/County Department
Honorable Mention, “Family Drug Court“
Edited Community Event Coverage
Honorable Mention, “US Open Special from Spectator Square“
Municipal Channel Promotion
Honorable Mention, “PCTV Sizzle Reel“
PCTV is the government access channel for Pierce County and some of its cities and towns, under the direction of the Rainier Communications Commission. PCTV is available on channels 22/522HD on the Click! cable system, channel 22 on Comcast, and channel 20 on Rainier Connect. Programming is available on demand at www.piercecountytv.org and on the PCTV mobile app.