Pierce County water board looking for members in the Bonney Lake area

Pierce County is seeking applicants to serve on the nine-member Surface Water Management Advisory Board, which assists the Water Programs Division. Advisory board members will be selected to represent each of the County Council's seven districts and each of the major watershed basins if possible.

Pierce County is seeking applicants to serve on the nine-member Surface Water Management Advisory Board, which assists the Water Programs Division. Advisory board members will be selected to represent each of the County Council's seven districts and each of the major watershed basins if possible.

The positions will be filled by the county executive subject to County Council confirmation. The board is expected to begin work next spring.

The mission of Water Programs is to be a responsive service organization that efficiently addresses flood control, water quality, water supply and natural drainage systems preservation.

Advisory board members will be involved in such issues as storm drainage and surface water management; water quality; storm drainage plans, rate structures and capital improvement projects; financing; and annual program goals. Meetings will be held monthly or bimonthly.

Applications can be obtained by calling Water Programs at 253-798-6172 or going to www.piercecountywa.org/water. Completed applications should be submitted to Tim Ramsaur at Pierce County Water Programs, 9850 64th St. W., University Place, Wash. 98467-1078 by 4 p.m. Jan. 16, 2004.