Public hearing scheduled on Sumner growth planning

A public hearing regarding updates to Sumner’s comprehensive plan is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Aug. 30 at Sumner City Hall.

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is available now and analyzes potential impacts to the environment stemming from updates to the comprehensive plan.

To accommodate population and employment growth, Sumner is proposing the updates and amendments, which include revisions to the Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundaries to the south and east of the city, and an amendment to the Manufacturing/Industrial Center at Fleishmann’s Industrial Park and an amendment to the UGA boundary at Orton Junction are on the table.

A 60‐day comment period is established for the EIS and comprehensive plan amendments concluding at 5:00 p.m., Oct. 8.

The EIS document is posted on the city’s website,

Hard copies of the Draft EIS are available for review at City of Sumner Community Development Department, City Hall, 1104 Maple Street, and at the Sumner Library, 1116 Fryar Ave.

Sumner City Hall is located at 1104 Maple Street. Additional public meetings are planned during the comment period.