The Enumclaw Senior Activity Center currently has two homemade quilts stitched by Margaret Elhke on display.
One quilt is particularly interesting as it is made out of Lucky Eagle Casino felt bags that participants receive when the senior center schedules trips throughout the year to the casino. She has collected hundreds of these bags to make this quilt. She also has a second quilt on display stitched together with Christmas colors.
Also, in the other display case, is a collection of Sassy, Classy Lassies Red Hat Society items. The display includes pink and red hats with embellishments, gloves, boas and ornaments.
On the bottom of this display case is a mix-match of interesting items: a Clinton figurine playing the saxophone, an antique butter container from Enumclaw Cooperative Creamery Co., an antique Chinese checker game, a Sunshine toy cookie container and a wooden slug.