Buckley’s Ida Marge Guild is turning 60.
Ever since the guild’s creation in 1956, Buckley residents have been raising money as an extension of the Mary Bridge Brigade to donate to the Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital and Health Center in Tacoma.
According to guild member Linda Cronin, the Ida Marge Guild has donated thousands of dollars to the hospital since it came together.
The guild will be celebrating it’s 60th anniversary with a fundraiser Friday, May 13, at the Buckley Hall. Doors open at 9 a.m. and the fundraiser ends at 5 p.m. Cake cutting and a guild presentation will begin at 11 a.m.
The fundraiser, known to many as the guild’s Country Store Sale, has for sale plants and yard décor to celebrate the return of spring weather, plus gifts, crafts and garage sale collectibles.
The guild is also raffling off garden items and a cash prize, and the drawing for the raffle will be held close to the end of the day.
History of the guild
The Ida Marge Guild is named after Buckley resident Ida Marge Larson Rooney, born in South Prairie in 1916.
Rooney came back to the Plateau after her husband died in 1948. She settled in Buckley and become a school teacher.
Rooney’s sister, Elvera Honsowetz, was one of the original charter members when the guild was formed.
After Rooney died in 1955, Honsowetz and the original 25 other charter members chose to name the guild after Rooney because of her dedication to children.
The guild’s first Spring Country Sale was hosted in 1956 and has been a staple of the community ever since.
The guild has grown to more than 40 members, some of which have a long history with the guild.
Lynne Honsowetz, the daughter of Elvera and niece of Rooney, is still an active guild member.
And guild secretary LuAnn Hedges says one family has been guild members for five generations, with the newest member being only one year old.
Guild meetings
Cronin and Hedges said that new members to the guild are always welcome.
The guild meets on the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Buckley Fire Hall.
For more information about the guild or guild meetings, Hedges can be contacted at 360-897-8039.