Sumner seniors shine as graduates

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

By Dennis Box-The Courier-Herald

The Sumner High School class of 2008 crossed the stage of the White River Amphitheatre June 11 and walked out into the world with broad smiles and big dreams.

The event took place on a comfortable evening as Gil Mendoza presented his first class as superintendent of the Sumner School District.

The program listed 276 graduating students. Highest Academic Honors went to 33 students who achieved a grade point average of 3.76 to 4.0.

Class valedictorians were Emily Greene and Hailey Kimball. Eight students were members of the Honor Society.

A total of 66 students were noted as receiving scholarships as of June 3.

Class speakers were Carly Fitzpatrick, Matt Downing, Greene, Tyler Kirkpatrick and Steven Riley.

“The meaning of life is different for each of us,” Greene said. “For some it is sports, music or academics. The list goes on and on because we all have different passions. As we move in different directions we need to remember our joys. This is the meaning of life.”

Riley spoke of his friend Rocky Gesner, who died May 11 in an accident while practicing for a motocross race.

“Rocky wrote, ‘If I could be doing anything right now it would be riding motocross, my essential,'” Riley said. “What's your essential? Go out and amaze the world with your essential for life.”

The Sumner High School jazz ensemble played “Pomp and Circumstance” along with other selections for the gathering. Joe Carl directed the ensemble.

The Sumner High chamber choir, directed by Karlene Miles, sang “Remember.”

Staff speakers Marshall Blansfield and Karen Wilkerson gave a humorous outline of life ahead for the students.

Dana Finnegan and Keri Gesner were presented with a posthumous diploma for Rocky Gesner.

Diplomas were handed out as the students names were announced and the class of 2008 headed into future.

Dennis Box can be reached at