The Enumclaw High School drama department is ready for its final show of the year, “Sweeney Todd School Edition: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.”
The play opens at 7:30 p.m. Thursday and continues Friday and Saturday and again May, 20, 21 and 22. All performances are at the Enumclaw High School auditorium. Tickets are $10. Students with an Associated Student Body card pay $6.
This performance, like all others, will feature a cast of students. But this time, EHS teachers Paul Scott and Darrell Miller, along with Scott’s wife Elizabeth and assistant director Allison Abrahamse, will take the stage.
So, on alternate nights, audiences might catch EHS senior Kameron Jacobs in the role of Sweeney Todd, or maybe Miller. On any given night, Anthony Hope could be played by EHS senior Taylor Capellaro or Scott. Mrs. Lovett might be Abrahamse or student Sarah McKinley. Carson Johnson and Elizabeth Scott will share the role of Johanna.