The purpose of this letter is to thank a couple of individuals for what was without a doubt the greatest street fair that anyone could be a part of.
Thanks certainly must go out to all the individuals who volunteered their time to assist in doing what it took to make this street fair the great event that it was.
It takes a great amount of time and effort to see what we get to be a part of on the two days of the actual fair.
The work starts almost as this year’s fair ends to prepare for the following year’s event.
So, I only think it is proper that if you bump into René Popke or Jaclyn VanHoof, that you stop them and say thank you for the work they’ve done to make this street fair a huge success.
These are the type of events that can help put Enumclaw on the map. With all of activities that they had for children and adults to do and all of the vendors to check out, some fabulous entertainment on three different stage areas, I can only say that if you missed coming to this event, you’re bad!
So thanks again to Jaclyn VanHoof and René Popke for your combined efforts in making this year’s street fair and hopefully next year’s, one of the Enumclaw events that people near and far look forward to coming to every year.
Stan Fornalski